2 Reasons Why Allah Chose The Hearts Of Pagan Arabs For The Quran (and why Quran doesn’t melt the heart of today’s Muslim)

We often hear how inhumane pagan Arabs were. The rough and tough people with zero literacy rate, who used to bury their infants alive, who were staunch idol worshippers, whom tribes warred with one another for years and years over a single misunderstanding, those desert people with no love for one God and no love for His creation. Why Allah chose their black hearts for His Holy Quran to descend? What caused their stoned hearts to get melted so easily with a few verses of Quran? And why Muslims today, even reading the whole Quran time and again during their lives, they don’t change a bit. They feel no spirituality. They don’t feel the holliness of Allah’s book.
Following are the two wisely narrated reasons of why Allah sent Quran on the hearts of Arabs and not on the hearts of Persians and Romans at the first place.
The People Of Truth
Pagan Arabs had innumerable odds in their community but one virtue they all constituted was, they were truthful people. They never lied. Lying was considered a heavy sin among them. If someone was caught lying, it was considered a lifetime insult for him. Yes, they were childish when it came to tribal wars and kept on fighting for years, but never to win a tribal fight, someone ever had lied. They were the people of their word. Allah chose the truthful hearts for His message.
Today, being truthful is as difficult as it is to dig a mountain. Even Muslims, yet they are deceiving and cheating on big and small levels and still complain that Quran is of no spiritual value to them. They don’t understand it. They get tired reading it. It will happen as no wise words from God get imprinted on the heart of a liar.
The People Of Honor
Though a million evils combined and made up the personality of an Arab back then, but the second positive trait they all had was they were honest. From a slave to a master, from a tribal chieftain to a local shopkeeper, they all had pure, honest and straightforward hearts. They were emotional, furious, tough, illiterate but they were not cheaters. No tribal war had ever been recorded as a win through the means of cheating or dishonoring someone. Money submitted to a person from a person was considered safe in all regards because dishonesty was itself a slap of insult for anyone indulged in it.
Sadly today, we are all cheaters. From a little kid giving a kindergarten exam to a person sitting on the seat of a CEO, we all cheat someone somewhere everyday. No one can claim today that I am honest and haven’t cheated anyone ever. Still at the end of the day, the readers of The Quran argue that we don’t find happiness reading it. We complete chapters over chapters, we read translations, we do everything, yet Quran is not molding our hearts to what it was meant to.
That’s true.
Until and unless we don't revive these two traits in ourselves, Quran will not offer it's spirituality to us. It never will.