Aloe Vera: 1 Powerful Way To Remove All Your Acne (Pimples)
Worn out of acne or done with trying every remedy out there to get rid of it? Then you’ve come at the right place.
I was too, being a female and as well as in the age of puberty was tired of my little pimple friend who appeared time and again to remind me how much it loves me. But now I was exhausted of it’s fake love and insecurities.
Aloe vera occurred to rescue me. Curing acne with aloe vera is a gradual and slow process, it can take up to a month but it liberates you from artificial creams and natural remedies without fail come as a last resort.
Why Aloe Vera?
Aloe vera has antibacterial qualities which delivers natural nourishment to your skin and do away with the acne creating bacteria in the pores of your skin. It also constitutes antioxidants and enzymes to fight your acne.
How To Use?
Following are 3 ways that you can adopt for getting an acne free skin.
Using Naturally Extracted Pure Aloe Vera :
Naturally extracted aloe vera is by far the most effective method to treat acne. It contains no extra chemicals. You may grow your own aloe vera plant and it is very easy to take care of it, you can take aloe vera from it directly whenever you need. Secondly, if you don’t want to have an aloe vera plant at your home, you can purchase it from the market and apply it on your face or just on the acne spots. Keep it there as long as you want but I recommend to keep it on your face until it dries up at least.
Applying Aloe Vera With Honey And Cinnamon
It came upon that honey and cinnamon too contains the antibacterial properties constituted by aloe vera. If you make an ointment using all three of them and start applying it on your face, the results will be super satisfying as you get a more glowing and clear skin.
Honey is by itself a natural remedy for tons of skin and hair problems.
Using Lemon Extract With Aloe Vera
Lemon is acidic in nature. It comprises the capabilities to provide strong immune system to the person who uses it often. Aloe vera and lemon juice makes a perfect combo. This mask will act swiftly and results will come up in a lot lesser time.
It is a rare case but for some people the first method, that is using natural aloe vera directly may cause skin problems or irritation. It is recommended to use any of these methods after knowing how your skin reacts to some elements. Usually natural remedies work for majority of the cases. Just in case your acne is too much or your skin is too sensitive, consult a skin specialist first.
Thank you.