Publishing A Story Everyday

Fatima Shirazi
3 min readDec 11, 2020


It’s my tenth day of publishing a story everyday, for the past 9 days I’ve been publishing quiet a mature content. The fact is I didn’t choose a particular niche for it, whatever I felt like I can write on it today, I started writing on it.

From religion to skincare, from artificial intelligence to perks of reading books to how to increase your self confidence, it was quiet a nice journey. Since 2 years, I was trying to write what I feel about the world on my Instagram post captions and whenever I wrote something out there, it gained quite a lot of audience but at the end of the day, I felt like I was writing more for the sake of likes and not for the sake of my happiness.

On medium, right now I don’t have a big audience and I don’t care about it. I want to write because I love it. I had been searching for a hobby since forever and in these 10 days, I realized my hobby. I think I’m not going to end this habit of writing and publishing a story everyday. I know I am writing spam today, although I have two blog topics with headings outlined in my notes but I think of marking the tenth day of my beautiful struggle with some spam. I want to look back at it and I want to smile reading this. C’mon, you can smile as well.

My mom always used to tell me how lazy I am. She argued and prayed at the same time for a job for me that won’t require industry work because I am so lazy to get up to do anything that requires physical hard work. Listening her arguments since childhood turned out to be beneficial as I chose software engineering as a career, which requires a laptop and nothing else I guess. But most of all, I found another hobby which I love more than programming, that is writing as I mentioned. This too, is of my type as I don’t have to get out of my cozy bed to do it.

I was always a history geek and thought of how beautiful, simple and easy life was that of our ancestors who were away from this digital world. But these 10 days of publishing a medium story everyday changed my perspective. I can’t thank enough my God for sending me in this age as digitalization is going to provide me my hobby and career altogether by just being in bed. How beautiful is that.

Let me also mention that I’m in bed since last 6 days because winters are here, I charge my laptop at night and use it all day remaining in bed. Feels like I and quarantine took enough time understanding each other. But at the end of 2020, quarantine and winters altogether provided me with a pretty good bed rest. Sometimes, we don’t feel these little blessings when we think normally but when we write insanely, we get to know what rubbish we were storing in our mind that dripped off our fingers.

Well, I’ll continue publishing stories everyday. I want you to wish me luck. After these 6 days of bed rest, I’m fond of quarantine and I don’t want it to end. Things are going good. Don’t smash me now if you want to meet your friends. Just meet them in the mall.

Since you’ve come this far reading whatever spam came out of my mind, let me tell you one last thing: Smile. It’s Sunnah.



Fatima Shirazi
Fatima Shirazi

Written by Fatima Shirazi

Software Engineer. Interested in everything.

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